Home » Crawlomatic VS Scraper Best Plugin for Auto Blogging

Crawlomatic VS Scraper Best Plugin for Auto Blogging

The blogging industry revolves, and the competition constantly grows. Therefore, if you want to stay on top, you have to provide up-to-date and reliable information. So, what would be better rather than having an automatic content generator plugin with tons of useful features, that will help you to stay on top. In this era of automation, let’s transfer blogging to auto blogging. However, how can you know which one is the best with tons of plugins available? We have already done the research. And today we will compare the two best plugins for auto blogging Crawlomatic VS Scraper. 

So, if you are ready, let’s start! 

What is Crawlomatic?


Let’s start with the Crawlomatic. Basically, Crawlomatic is a WordPress plugin that will help you out with auto blogging. How? Well, it is a post generator plugin that uses website crawling and scraping to turn it into an Autoblog. 

It is quite multifunctional as you can use this plugin to provide more reliable and trustworthy information to the users that are always up-to-date, such as current weather, currencies, etc. 

So, with the usage of this plugin, you will be able to increase the reliability of your website and create a positive enhancement of the user experience. All of this will drive more good testimonials, shares, and traffic to your website. 

What is Scraper?


Now, what is Scraper? Well, it’s also a WordPress plugin that copies and pastes content from any website automatically, taking the process of content creation to a whole new level.

Scraper will allow you to scrape from any source you would like, and it offers certain unique features that differentiate it from its competitors.  For example, some of the key features are a visual editor, scraping attributes, and scraping templates. 

So, which one of these plugins will be best for you? We will figure that out throughout this article by comparing these plugins in various important aspects. Aspects such as main features, pricing, and benefits will be thoroughly discussed. 

Main Features 

Basically, both plugins aim to automate the processes of content creation. However, we are going to take a look at the main features to understand which one is better: Crawlomatic VS Scraper.


Crawlamtic comes in with a range of various features that will definitely benefit you. 

  • Auto-updates for the scraped content 
  • Auto content extraction
  • Confugurability 
  • Lots of live scraping options, including single, serial, and feed scraping
  • Visual selector – basically, this is a browser inside the plugin that will allow you to find content even faster 
  • Content detector – saves a great deal of time and effort by automatically finding the area you want to scrape 
  • Built-in, highly customizable, ready-to-use, and of course, flexible templates
  • Schedules – automate each and every task, so you will be able to save even more time on routine tasks
  • Content translation feature that will automatically translate any content from any language you may want to any language you need
  • A multisite scraper that allows you to get content from any website by crawling and scraping, with custom set cookies you also will be able to simulate user login and gain full control over scraped content
  • JavaScript execution supported for crawled pages
  • JavaScript generated dynamic content if it is combined with HeadlessBrowserAPI service
  • Dark mode on/off
  • Gutenberg editor tested and ready to use with

All of the features that Crawlomatic offers are aimed to enhance your experience and save your time in order to bring the best return on investment. Meanwhile, content generates using this plugin is also highly reliable, trustworthy, and automatic, which will positively affect the user experiences of your website visitors. 

Use cases 

The best part about Ctawlomatic is its wide range of potential use cases. For example, you can use this plugin to:

  • Scrape the latest currency information to be more trustworthy and accurate
  • Scrape weather info that is always up-to-date
  • Scraping of live sports scores, freelance job listings, articles from feeds, blog & magazine posts, hotels with locations, design inspirations, etc. 

With Crawlomatic, you will even be able to scrape content as a reseller or products as an affiliate.

 How Does Crawlomatic Works?

Crawlomatic completes complicated procedures through simple actions. Basically, all you need is to give the plugin the seed URL, after which it will extract content from each given one. 


Scraper may not be so feature-rich, however still offers good features such as:

  • Visual Editor that will allow you to build your own customized scraping models
  • Serial and Single Scraping models
  • Scraping templates that are ready-to-use and time-saving
  • Attributes scraping 
  • Translation of the content 
  • JSON based 
  • Custom content 
  • Scraper library 
  • WooCommerce products – as Scraper supports tags of WooCommerce, you will have an opportunity to create WooCommerce products with Scraper with ease.
  • Set a featured image
  • Scrape any website of your choice
  • Gallery images (check also the “Best Gallery Plugins on WordPress” article) and categories support
  • Match functions that allow you to sum, subtract or divide any number with certain math functions available
  • Scheduling of tasks that automates the whole processes 
  • Cookie support 

As you could have noticed, both plugins offer similar functionality. However, Scraper cannot beat Crawlomatic as the last one offers a lot more. Besides offering quantity, Ctawlomatic offers high quality. It is a potent plugin, each feature of which can be used to benefit you. 


Now it is time to review the pricing, as it is one more respectfully important aspect to make the final decision. 


In terms of pricing, the plugin keeps it simple. Crawlomatic offers two licenses, regular ($49) and extended ($295). Each license has full descriptions, which you can look into before deciding which one to choose and which one will work best for you. 

The regular license includes:

  • Usage in a single and free end products with more than one user allowed 
  • One license for each customized product

Meanwhile, the extended license includes:

  • Use it on both single and free end products with more than one user allowed
  • Usage of it in the end product that is already sold 


You can purchase Scraper with just $29 dollars for a regular license. However, it is worth noticing that it also comes in with the extended license. The Scraper also provides full descriptions for both licenses in order to make your final choice easier. 

If you purchase the regular license, you will be able to:

  • Use it in a single end product 
  • Use it in a free end product 

If you purchase the extended license, you will be able to:

  • Use it in a single and free end products 
  • Use it in an end product that is sold 

So, as we could have seen in terms of the price range, the winner is Scraper. On the other hand, if we consider all the features offered by Crawlomatic and ignored by Scraper, I would still choose Crawlomatic as it seems to be bringing the best return on investment. 


Before jumping to conclusions, let’s also review the benefits of each plugin. And here, we will consider the winner based on both quantity and quality. 


  • You can add canonical metatag to generated posts. 
  • The user interface is extremely straightforward and visually pleasing, meaning that you do not have to spend additional time learning how to use this plugin.
  • The price is worth the features. 
  • Built-in templates that also can be customized 
  • Great support team
  • Tested up to WordPress’s latest version 
  • Is compatible with Gutenberg Editor 
  • Function to test the plugin before purchasing, which once again will save your time, money, and nerves
  • Compatibility with other plugins 
  • Does not affect the speed of your website 
  • Easy to install 
  • Two licenses 
  • Allows you to test it before buying 
  • Compliant with WP security requirements and is recognized for meeting WordPress quality standards 


  • User-friendly interface – which makes the experience even better
  • Affordable and costs a lot less than Crawlomatic; however, it lacks features 
  • Easy installation
  • Two licenses – with full descriptions to make your final choice easier

The Winner is…

So, after analyzing both plugins in terms of their main features, pricing, and testing them, we concluded that Crawlomatic is the best choice for you. 

Crawlomatic is a potent plugin that will help you to generate content to scrawl and scrape for auto blogging, and at the same time, it remains extremely easy to use. 

Crawlomatic is affordable and definitely will make your expectations come true. This plugin is highly reliable, with good and instant support. Even though the price range is higher in comparison with Scraper, the features you get with it are also worth it. It offers a wide range of functionality, that, most importantly, is useful. 

It is worth mentioning that Crawlomatic is also quite feature-rich. However, all the features will find a usage, unlike some other plugins that come in with unnecessary functionality. 

So, if you want to automate the content creation processes, then Crawlomatic is the best choice for you. It will save your time, resources, and effort. Crawlomatic is a proven way of bringing the best return on investment.

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