Custom Plugin Development

Do you have a new plugin idea? Or maybe some unclear details in mind that you don’t know how to bring to life?

Then congratulations, as you’re exactly at the right place!

WordPress plugins are powerful means to enhance your business. Among the 50.000+ plugins in the directory, yours can be the next game changer! Not only you can use it for your personal growth, but also earn money with the help of it.

Our specialized developers are ready to walk the whole road with you, from idea generation to implementation. We can start by consulting your idea, measuring its efficacy, and organizing the steps.

Besides, we can help you successfully submit your plugin on

After having a clear idea of what we are going to have as the final result, our management team will estimate the project price for you (note: our developers work with $20/an hour pricing). Depending on the project’s difficulty level, and from which step are we going to handle it, the pricing will be determined accordingly.

We work with highly proficient specialists, meaning the project will be set up and finished within a reasonable range of time. Surely, we will discuss the deadlines beforehand.

Another great news is, that the WPGlob marketing team can become your biggest help in presenting and promoting the plugin in the market after it is finished and handed to you. Trust me, they know how to effectively promote WordPress plugin.

Sounds great, right?

To discuss everything further, please fill in the questionnaire below, and our specialists will contact you within 2-3 working days:

Custom Plugin Estimation Request

Your full name*

Your full name*

Your valid email address*

Your valid email address*

Short description of what your plugin is going to be about*

Short description of what your plugin is going to be about*

DonÕ›t Miss Out...

FoxLMS Plugin Now Available!

Easily create, manage, and sell courses on WordPress with the new FoxLMS plugin.

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