Home » Tagmate Web Tagging Automation: Use Cases

Tagmate Web Tagging Automation: Use Cases

Tags are essential elements for monitoring visitors’ engagement with your website. Enterprises across various industries use GTM for managing their website tags. However, accurately setting up GTM manually is a long and tedious process. Even then you cannot guarantee that your tags would be 100% accurate. This is where Tagmate comes to the rescue.

Tagmate is a low-code tool made for non-techies. It simplifies the implementation of analytics and marketing pixels like Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Meta Ads on your website. Moreover, supports 24/7 monitoring of your tags resulting in bug-free tags and accurate data in your reports.


What Does Tagmate Solve? 

  • Time Efficiency: Now you don’t have to waste hours creating tags. With Tagmate’s templates, you can set up tags within minutes.
  • Data Accuracy: It takes hours to implement tags and even after that there are high chances of having errors. Tagmate provides 100% accurate tags in minutes.

Process Automation & Efficiency: Tagmate lets you set up tags without writing a single line of code. So that you can focus on more strategic tasks.


Main Features

Since Tagmate is a feature-rich plugin, it’s almost impossible to relate to all of its features in one article. Here are the highlights of the key ones:

  • Low-code GA4 set up with 40+ pre-built event templates.
  • One-click UA to GA4 Migration
  • Marketing Pixels setup (Google Ads and Facebook Ads)
  • Server-Side Tagging
  • No-code GA4 set up (for any user interaction on your website!)
  • 24/7 tag monitoring

Tagmate’s Use Cases

Tagmate is designed for web developers, product teams, and marketing agencies.

Some use cases are:

  • A marketing manager wants to implement Google Ads or Facebook Ads marketing pixels on their website in a matter of minutes without going back and forth with their developers.
  • A web analyst wants to migrate their existing Universal Analytics (GA3/UA) tags to the new GA4 tags error-free.
  • A product manager wants to get started on tracking analytics on their website but does not know all possible and available tracking opportunities and where to start.
  • A web development or marketing agency wants to set up tracking for their multiple client websites and monitor the data accuracy of the setup in an automated workflow.
  • A website owner is fed up with too many bugs in their existing messy GTM setup and needs 24/7 monitoring of their setup and accurate GA reporting.

Lets’ go deeper down and look at several of the use cases of this amazing solution.

Tagmate Use Case N1: Migrator Module

The web analyst uses the Migrator module of Tagmate to migrate standard tracking tags (view tracking, custom event tracking) from existing UA to Google Analytics 4. Migration is 100% accurate, error-free, and automated.

  • Primary Actor: Web Analyst
  • Precondition 1: UA tags are already set up in a GTM container.
  • Precondition 2: GTM account connected to Tagmate.
  • Basic Flow: A web analyst migrates his/her existing Universal Analytics (GA3/UA) tags to the new GA4 tags using Tagmate’s Migrator module without the help of a tech specialist.

#1 Action: Web Analyst signs in or signs up for a Tagmate account.

#2 Action: Secondly, on the home page choose UA to GA4 Migration module to proceed.

#3 Action: From the Tagmate dashboard screen,  select the GTM account.

#4 Action: Analyst checks workspace details, which holds all the existing UA tags that are to be migrated to GA4.

#5 Action: The web analyst needs to choose the tags he/she wants to migrate: standard tags or advanced and miscellaneous tags (it is recommended to first migrate standard tags).

#6 Action: The dashboard shows the status of the chosen tags – Total, Migrated, and Pending. The Web analyst selects the pending tags to migrate and clicks the ‘Migrate’ button.

#7 Action: Checks the pre-filled information on the existing UA tag configuration: event name, event parameters, user properties and config tag details.

#8 Action: Next, Clicks the ‘migrate’ button located in the right corner.

#9 Action: The web Analyst checks the completion and success of migration from the tags dashboard of Tagmate.

#10 Action: Finally, check for the success of the migration directly from inside the GTM Container.

  • Outcome: The standard UA tags are accurately and quickly migrated to the new GA4 version without any help or dependency from the side of tech developers.

In addition, for more detailed information, watch this video series on how to migrate tags to GA4 with Tagmate. Alternatively, you can drop an email to hello@tagmate.app for further information.

Tagmate Use Case N2: Website Form Tracking

Secondly, a marketing agency wants to set up form tracking for their multiple client websites and monitor the data accuracy.

  • Primary Actor: Marketing Agency
  • Precondition 1: Tag Manager Account
  • Precondition 2: At least 1 Container
  • Precondition 3: Default Workspace
  • Basic Flow: A marketing agency wants to set up page forms for their multiple client websites. Furthermore, he wants to do it without the help of developers.

#1 Action: A Marketing Agency signs up for a Tagmate account.

# 2 Action: The dashboard shows the status of the chosen tags – Total, Migrated, and Pending. The Web analyst selects the pending tags to migrate and clicks the ‘Migrate’ button.

# 3 Action: Thirdly, select the project from the ‘Project Name’ bar or create a new one.

#4 Action: Click on ‘Templates’ from the left navigation panel.

#5 Action: Scrolls to the ‘Page Engagement’ button.

#6 Action: Select the ‘form’ window and click the ‘Push to GTM’ button.

#7 Action: Decides between fixed length, dynamic length, and one-page websites.

#8 Action: Simply push the chosen website to GTM.

#9 ActionÖ‰ Lastly, check the event tag from the Google Tag Manager dashboard.

  • Outcome: A marketing agency sets up page scroll tracking for their websites without the help of developers.

Watch this video by Tagmate to understand how a marketing agency can set up form tracking freakingly fast.

To Wrap Up

Tagmate is a real-time-saver for web developers, marketing agencies, and product teams trying to set up tags and marketing pixels.

So far, Tagmate has received only good reviews from its customers, it helped so many individuals and companies manage website tagging and tracking with no additional difficulty.

Reviews from Tagmate’s clients speak for itself.


Leverage Tagmate for efficiency and optimization!

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