Home » Best Job Interview Questions and Answers in 2023

Best Job Interview Questions and Answers in 2023

Are you looking for a job? Searching for a suitable job is already very stressful. However, it’s even more stressful to prepare for the upcoming interview. For some job position it’s mandatory to have an interview in English. The best option is to find most common English job interview questions and get prepared for them.

Almost everybody who ever goes for an English job interview is a little bit afraid and confused. After all, that particular opportunity could really change your life, forever!

So, in this article you will find the most common English job Interview questions. Moreover, I will provide the best ways how to answer them well.


1. Tell me about yourself

Almost all the job interviews start with this question. Remember that the interviewer isn’t looking for your life story, or what you had for lunch the day before. Rather, they ask this question to get a general idea about you. In other words, it’s an introduction and the next questions depend on your answer to this question. It’s your chance to leave a lasting first impression. If you provide a good answer the interviewer will enthusiastically ask you more engaging questions.

Avoid including irrelevant information in your answer such as: I was born in Paris. I love playing the computer and football  or I have three brothers. Additionally, make sure not to use informal slangs in your speech and make basic grammar mistakes.

Sample Answer: I’ve been working as a senior chef at a small Italian restaurant for 5 years and my responsibilities included assisting the head chef and preparing different salads and pastas. Besides, I have always been interested in cooking that’s was why I decided to choose this career path. I studied at special cooking college, where I gained my primary level cooking diploma.

2. What are your strengths?

The main purpose of asking this question is to know all your positive qualities. It is very important that your positive qualities match with what they are looking for.
So make sure to conduct your own research before the interview. Try to identify what kind of a person suits that job position, especially if you are trying to make your first moves in your career.

This question is an opportunity to advertise yourself. Consider yourself a product and advertise yourself in the job market. Note, that you shouldn’t just list a number of adjectives because anyone can easily do it. Instead, you need to provide good examples to support your point.

Sample Answer:

To be punctual –  I consider myself as a punctual person. I always arrive on time and complete my work on time. With my good time management skills I manage to work with a lot of deadlines and organize all my tasks properly.

To be ambitious – I have always set goals for myself and it motivates me to work hard. I managed to achieved my goals so far with my education and work experience. Now I am motivated to improve myself and grow.

To be proactive – I’m a proactive person. When I have something on my mind, I do my best to make it real. I prefer to see outcomes of my hard work and be responsible for my own actions.

To be a team-player –  I consider myself as a team-worker. I like to work with other people and I think it’s easier to achieve goals when everyone works together and communicates well. Besides, I like to share my ideas with other and learn about their thoughts.


3. What are your weaknesses?

A common mistake is to claim that you don’t have weaknesses. Of course you do because no one is perfect. Everyone has their own weaknesses. While asking this question interviewers want to understand how you fix your weaknesses and how self-aware are you.

A tricky point is to turn those weaker qualities into strengths.

Sample Answer: Sometimes I’m slower in completing my tasks compared to other people. The reason is that I really want to get everything right. I usually double or sometimes triple-check documents to make sure everything is correct.

As you see the weakness of spending long time on tasks can be introduced as an advantage.
Another useful trick is to talk about a weakness and introduce some methods that you use to overcome them.

Sample Answer: I have created a time-management system, which allows me to list all my tasks and organize my deadlines to have more precise idea on what I need to do.

4. Why did you leave your last job?

If you’re applying for your first job, this question is not for you. However, if you’ve a previous work experience, the interviewer may ask this question. In any case If you chose to leave your old job, avoid saying anything negative about your former workplace or boss even if it’s true. You will create a negative impression about yourself.

Sample Answer: I’m looking for new challenges, or I’m looking for a job where I can grow with the company. Another good answer is I’m looking for a job that suits my qualifications.

5. Tell us about your education

This is another must-have question during an interview. Interviewers usually ask this question as they want to know everything you’ve studied related to the job. The information may include your trainings and further education including University, college and so on.
You don’t need to tell them everything you’ve done since elementary or middle school. Mention only the important things and may give you a comparative advantage.

Sample Answer:

Degrees – 3-4 year qualification from University or College.

Diploma – A short-term qualification from College, University or Polytechnic.

Certificate – A piece of paper proving your participation in a course. Make sure you take all the necessary documents with you, as they may ask for them.

6. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Again, they’re asking about your goals related to your career, not your personal life. Thus, if you want to get married, there is no need to mention it.
In this point you need to be ambitious. However, be attentive not to seem too ambitious as the interviewer may see you as a threat.  

Sample Answer: I would like to become more independent in what I do and productive, improve my skills and enhance my knowledge.

7. What kind of salary do you expect?

Interviewers ask this question to understand your financial expectations from the company. Make sure you do your research about the average salary of the position you’re applying for. Don’t say I don’t know because it makes you sound unsure.
Try to be more confident and name your price without going for less or going too high. The real point here is that they already have decided the amount of your salary but this question helps them check whether you know the industry well or if you appreciate yourself enough.

8. Do you have any questions for me/us?

This is a common way for most of the interviewers to finish the interview. Remember that this question is not just a way to express their politeness. They want you to speak. Basically, they are still judging you.  So don’t ask questions that will make you sound silly, such as what kind of work does your company do? Or how much vacation time do I get each year?
Show that you want to explore more and if you don’t ask any question they will consider you not really interested in the position.

Sample Answer: What is the typical day for this position (job)? 
Find out what kind of responsibilities are included and what kind of things you would be expected to do on a daily basis.

Does the company offer in-house training to employees? 
This type of a question illustrates your interest in not only getting accepted, but also wanting to improve yourself and prosper.

9. What were your starting and final levels of compensation?

Hiring managers may wish to know how much you earned to see whether you’re a competitive candidate for the company from the financial perspective. Be maximum honest while discussing your previous salary because employers can ask about salary when checking your background.  

However, keep in mind that in some places employers are not allowed to ask about applicant’s previous wages. Additionally, Some employers have also implemented different policies that restrict questions regarding previous salary.

Sample Answer: When I started my entry-level job as a marketing manager, my annual salary was approximately $16K; then I became the head of the marketing department with a salary around $30K per annum.

10. How do you handle stress and pressure?

This question can be paraphrased to What you do when work gets stressful? Do you stay calm under pressure? Or do you have a difficult time in stressful situations? This question is asked to understand whether you manage to deal with stressful situations and pressure.
If you’re interviewing for a high-pressure position, the interviewer might want to know that you can deal with the stress.

Sample Answer: I’m pretty good at identifying stressful situations. When I face one, I take a couple of minutes to focus on my breathing. Besides, I start mornings with meditation for 30 minutes before coming to work. In fact it keeps me concentrated and ready to deal with any stressful situation with a healthy and clear mind.


English job interviews are not scary anymore! Remember, first impression is the most important and lasts for a long period of time.
Think carefully before you speak and show your perfect English skills and provide impressing answers to win the job position.

I wish you good luck and hopefully this article will help you get prepared for your English job interview. In case of questions or suggestions write down in the comments section.

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